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Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), File Disclosure, Authentication Bypass
79, 22, 287
Product Name: JAWS
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JAWS Multiple Vulnerabilities

JAWS is prone to a cross-site scripting vulnerability. This allows a remote attacker to create a malicious URI link that includes hostile HTML and script code, which can lead to the execution of attacker-supplied code in the victim's web browser. This can result in the theft of authentication credentials and other attacks. Additionally, JAWS is reported to be prone to a file disclosure vulnerability, allowing an attacker to disclose target files by using directory traversal sequences in URI parameters. An authentication bypass vulnerability also exists, where an attacker can create a cookie derived from a known value to authenticate to the system.


Ensure proper input validation and sanitization to prevent cross-site scripting and file disclosure vulnerabilities. Implement strong authentication mechanisms to prevent authentication bypass.

Exploit-DB raw data:

source: https://www.securityfocus.com/bid/10670/info

JAWS is reported prone to multiple vulnerabilities. The issues result from insufficient sanitization of user-supplied data. The following specific issues can affect the application:

JAWS is prone to a cross-site scripting vulnerability.

This cross-site scripting issue can permit a remote attacker to create a malicious URI link that includes hostile HTML and script code. If a user follows the malicious link, the attacker-supplied code executes in the Web browser of the victim computer. This attack can allow for theft of cookie-based authentication credentials and other attacks. 

JAWS is reported to be prone to a file disclosure vulnerability. The vulnerability presents itself because directory traversal sequences "../.." are not correctly sanitized from user-supplied data. It is reported that an attacker may disclose a target file by including a relative path including directory traversal sequences to the target file as a value for URI parameters passed to the a JAWS script. 

An authentication bypass vulnerability is reported to affect the JAWS authentication system. It is reported that an authentication cookie is derived from a known value, a remote attacker may create a cookie and use this cookie to authenticate to the system.
