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IBM Remote Control Software
Privilege Escalation
Product Name: IBM Remote Control Software
Affected Version From: Unknown
Affected Version To: Unknown
Patch Exists: NO
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CPE: Unknown
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Platforms Tested: Unknown

IBM Remote Control Software Privilege Escalation Vulnerability

The IBM Remote Control Software package allows a local user with a user-level account to execute code with administrator privileges. This vulnerability can be exploited by launching arbitrary code from the Process Manager interface, such as usrmgr.exe, musrmgr.exe, and regedt32.exe. The user can use these programs to grant administrator privileges to any account on the host or domain.


It is recommended to update the IBM Remote Control Software package to the latest version available. Restricting access to the vulnerable service to trusted users only can also help mitigate the risk.

Exploit-DB raw data:

source: https://www.securityfocus.com/bid/284/info

The IBM Remote Control Software package requires a client module to be loaded on NT hosts to be remotey controlled. This client module is loaded as an NT service and must run under either the local system account or the user context of a user account having administrative privileges.

It has been discovered that this service may be exploited by a local user level account to execute code with administrator privileges. This vulnerability would allow a user (with no admin rights) to execute programs that might allow them to elevate their privileges to that of an administrator. 

Open the Netfinity client. Launch the Process Manager. From the Process Manager interface, launch arbitrary code. usrmgr.exe, musrmgr.exe, regedt32.exe, etc. may be launched and be used by the user level account to grant administrator privileges to any account on the host (or domain).