Sky Broadband Router ? Weak algorithm used to generate WPA-PSK Key
The SR101 routers supplied by Sky Broadband are vulnerable to an offline dictionary attack if the WPA-PSK handshake is obtained by an attacker. The WPA-PSK pass phrase has the following features: Random, A to Z Uppercase only, 8 characters long, 208,827,064,576 possible combinations ( AAAAAAAA ? ZZZZZZZZ ) 26^8. We notified Sky Broadband about the problem in January 2014 yet Sky Broadband are still supplying customers with routers / modems that use this weak algorithm. We purchased a used rig in December 2013, comprising off: Windows 7, I3 Processor, 4GB RAM, 2TB Drive, Radeon HD 5850. We generated 26 dictionary files using ?mask processor? by ATOM, piping each letter out to its own file. Using our Radeon HD5850 on standard settings, we were hitting 80,000 keys per second. Breakdown: 26^8 = 208,827,064,576 ( 208 billion possible combinations ) 26^8 / 80,000 keys per second = 2,610,338 seconds 2,610,338 / 60 seconds = 43,505 minutes 43,505 / 60 minutes = 725 hours 725 hours / 24 hours = 30 Days