Suggest Exploit
xt:Commerce VEYTON
Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic
Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
Product Name: xt:Commerce VEYTON
Affected Version From: VEYTON 4.0.15 Professional/Merchant/Ultimate
Affected Version To: VEYTON 4.0.15 Professional/Merchant/Ultimate
Patch Exists: NO
Related CWE:
CPE: a:xt:commerce:veyton:4.0.15
Other Scripts:
Platforms Tested: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 (EN), Apache 2.4.2 (Win32), PHP 5.4.4, MySQL 5.5.25a

xt:Commerce VEYTON 4.0.15 (products_name_de) Script Insertion Vulnerability

xt:Commerce suffers from a stored XSS vulnerability when parsing user input to the 'products_name_de' parameter via POST method thru '/xtAdmin/adminHandler.php' script. Attackers can exploit this weakness to execute arbitrary HTML and script code in a user's browser session.


Apply proper input validation and sanitization on user input to prevent script injection. Update to a patched version of xt:Commerce VEYTON.

Exploit-DB raw data:

<!DOCTYPE html>

xt:Commerce VEYTON 4.0.15 (products_name_de) Script Insertion Vulnerability

Vendor: xt:Commerce GmbH / xt:Commerce International Ltd.
Product web page: http://www.xt-commerce.com
Affected version: VEYTON 4.0.15 Professional/Merchant/Ultimate

Summary: One shop system, many shop solutions. The shop software
xt:Commerce 4 is the basic framework for online shops and for
merchants who install and configure their own shop.

Desc: xt:Commerce suffers from a stored XSS vulnerability when
parsing user input to the 'products_name_de' parameter via POST
method thru '/xtAdmin/adminHandler.php' script. Attackers can
exploit this weakness to execute arbitrary HTML and script code
in a user's browser session.

Tested on: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 (EN)
           Apache 2.4.2 (Win32)
           PHP 5.4.4
           MySQL 5.5.25a

Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic

Advisory ID: ZSL-2012-5102
Advisory URL: http://www.zeroscience.mk/en/vulnerabilities/ZSL-2012-5102.php



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