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Microsoft Office Visio DXF File Stack based Overflow

This exploit takes advantage of a stack-based overflow vulnerability in Microsoft Office Visio 2002 (xp) when parsing DXF files. By specially crafting a DXF file, an attacker can overwrite the EIP register and control the execution flow of the program. This exploit includes a modified alphanumeric shellcode that executes the calc.exe program.

ColdGen – coldcalender v2.06 Remote 0day SQL Injection Exploit

This exploit targets the ColdCalender v2.06 application, specifically the index.cfm file which is vulnerable to SQL Injection. The exploit assumes that the target has a MSSQL backend. It allows an attacker to execute arbitrary SQL queries and retrieve sensitive information from the database. The exploit also identifies the version of the database, the hostname, the database user, and the database name.

EGS Enterprise Groupware System <=1.0 rc4 remote commands execution exploit

EGS Enterprise Groupware System <=1.0 rc4 is vulnerable to remote commands execution. This exploit works against PHP5. The attacker needs to launch the exploit from Apache, fill in the requested fields, and then execute the commands remotely.

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