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Oracle 10g CTX_DOC.MARKUP SQL Injection Exploit

This exploit allows an attacker to grant DBA privileges to an unprivileged user in Oracle 10g by exploiting the CTX_DOC.MARKUP function. The exploit involves creating a function called HACKIT that executes a dynamic SQL statement to grant the DBA role to the user 'scott'. The function is then called, granting the DBA role to the user. This vulnerability was reported by David Litchfield in June 2005 and was publicly disclosed on October 17, 2007. This exploit has been tested on Oracle

Time and Expense Management System 3.0 – Cross-Site Request Forgery (Add Admin)

This exploit allows an attacker to add, edit, and delete admin and all users in the Time and Expense Management System 3.0. By sending a specially crafted HTTP request to the target server, the attacker can update the admin user's information and gain administrative privileges. This vulnerability does not have a CVE assigned to it.

Flatnuke3 Remote Cookie Manipulation / Privilege Escalation

When a user logs in, Flatnuke sets a cookie value. The code checks if the cookie value contains the string 'myforum='. If it does, the user is asked to log in again. However, this filter can be bypassed using a nullbyte and logging in as admin. Additionally, in the download module, if the 'fneditmode' parameter is set to '1', a directory can be created and a PHP code can be executed through the directory description.

WordPress Plugin Support Board 1.2.3 – Cross-Site Scripting

In the Schiocco "Support Board - Chat And Help Desk" plugin 1.2.3 for WordPress, a Stored XSS vulnerability has been discovered in file upload areas in the Chat and Help Desk sections via the msg parameter in a /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php sb_ajax_add_message action.

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