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google apps googleapps.url.mailto:// uri handler cross-browser remote command execution exploit (Internet Explorer)

The exploit takes advantage of the vulnerable googleapps.url.mailto:// URI handler in Internet Explorer. By injecting the '--domain=' switch for the googleapps.exe executable, arbitrary switches can be passed to the Google Chrome chrome.exe executable, allowing the execution of arbitrary commands or batch files from the local system or a remote network share.

IBM Informix Client SDK 3.0 SetNet32 File (.nfx) Hostsize integer overflow exploit

User-supplied value for the Hostsize field results in an integer overflow and subsequently a complete stack smash by passing an overlong string to the HostList one allowing an attacker to execute arbitrary code. All modules in memory are compiled with /SAFESEH=on but it's still possible to execute arbitrary code by passing a certain trusted handler from kernel32.dll. Other attacks are possible through the ProtoSize or ServerSize fields.

Ada Image Server v0.6.6 SEH Overwrite

This exploit targets the Ada Image Server v0.6.6 and allows for a SEH overwrite. It has been discovered and exploited by Blake. It has been tested on XP SP1. The vulnerability allows an attacker to send a payload to the server, which results in a shell bind TCP connection being established.

Race condition vulnerability (BUGTRAQ ID: 8805) of /usr/bin/bellmail command on Aix5

This exploit takes advantage of a race condition vulnerability in the /usr/bin/bellmail command on Aix5. It allows an attacker to change the owner of any file to the current user. The exploit script x_aix5_bellmail.pl is used to perform the exploit. The aim_file parameter specifies the file that the attacker wants to change the owner of. The exploit relies on a race condition, so multiple runs may be needed. The x_bellmail.sh script can assist with using this exploit.

Buffer Overflow in getlvcb utility

When an argument is passed to the getlvcb utility, the string is copied into a reserved buffer in memory. Data that exceeds the size of the reserved buffer will overflow its bounds and will trample any saved data that is adjacent to the affected buffer. Ultimately this may lead to the execution of arbitrary instructions in the context of the root user.

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