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ProShow Producer //ProShow Gold v 4.0.2549(.psh) Universal Local BOF SEH

This exploit allows an attacker to execute arbitrary code or crash the ProShow Producer and ProShow Gold versions 4.0.2549 by creating a specially crafted .psh file. The vulnerability is caused by a buffer overflow in the parsing of the file header.

Media Jukebox 8 ( .M3U) Universal Local Buffer Exploit (SEH)

This exploit is for Media Jukebox 8 (.M3U) which is a universal local buffer overflow vulnerability. It exploits a SEH (Structured Exception Handling) vulnerability in the program. The exploit uses a combination of NOP sled and shellcode to gain control of the program's execution flow.

BitchX Buffer Overflow Exploit

This exploit code demonstrates a local exploitable buffer overflow vulnerability in BitchX. The vulnerability allows a malicious local user to obtain root access by exploiting the buffer overflow condition. The code verifies the bug on the system.

PMsoftware mini http server remote stack overflow exploit

This exploit targets the PMsoftware Web Server version 1.0 and takes advantage of a remote stack overflow vulnerability. By sending a specially crafted HTTP request, an attacker can trigger a stack overflow and execute arbitrary code on the target system. The exploit includes a payload shellcode that opens a reverse shell on port 4444.

IE 6 / GDivX Zenith Player AviFixer Class Buffer Overflow

This exploit demonstrates a buffer overflow vulnerability in the GDivX Zenith Player AviFixer Class in Internet Explorer 6. It sets the EIP register to 'BBBB' and creates a buffer overflow by providing a long string of 'A's followed by the EIP value and additional padding. This exploit was tested on Windows XP SP2.

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